Thursday, June 14, 2012

Final Paper

Judgments About the Beautiful - Immanuel Kant
The Philosophy of Fine Art - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Aesthetics class
Kerry Keith Murdock

For our Final we had to write at least 3 pages on our own philosophies in regards to two of the philosophers we'd studied about.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that's what they say. But whose eye are they referring to? Ours, yours, the world's as a whole, the culture as a group, or the individual as a person? How can 'beauty' be defined down the hierarchy of classes, distinctions, races, sexes, nationalities, cultures, backgrounds, upbringing, eras, and ages? It is as unique, I believe, as each of us are. So, how do each us of judge beauty, which is different, as each of us are different?
                  Immanuel Kant's philosophy has said, “The beautiful is that which, apart from a concept, pleases universally.” But again, we all come from different universes. And even within the same world there are cultures, subcultures, divisions, and outcasts. Does this mean that if one is listed as an outcast they are unable to recognize beauty? I think not-what is beautiful to them is, according to their description, beautiful. Hence, the phrase, a face that only a mother could love. As ugly as one thing may be to another, to someone else, it may be as precious as gold even though they are the minority of the world.
                  One thing I have discovered is that many of these philosophers are trying, in very educated terms, to discuss, decipher, and explain something that cannot be seen and therefore, in my mind, cannot be understood. And in there is the challenge: to define a thing not seen to the understanding. With these concepts words are used such as energy, flow, power, taste, or rhythm; regarding 'feelings that can't be explained,' or 'a sense of incomprehensible understanding.'
                  Immanuel Kant describes his theory of beauty, “The beautiful is that which, apart from a concept, is cognized as object of a necessary delight.” He goes on to say that beauty, “...would claim   unconditioned necessity,” and “...they were devoid of any principle...” He also describes it to a sense of taste. To me that says, again, it is something that cannot be touched, is intended to not intentionally serve a purpose, and yet we are drawn to it. He goes on to say, “...that such a thing could be regarded as common sense.” But while it's common for everyone to select a thing of beauty, it is uncommon for everyone to select the same thing.
                  Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel equally uses ambiguous terms to try and describe Immanuel's definition of another's 'common sense.' Georg outlines 3 steps. Step 2 is listed as such: “ is to a greater or less degree delivered from a sensuous medium, and addressed to his senses.”  To me that says that the thing of beauty is intended for and speaks only to our senses. That is all well and good, but how else are we to perceive anything? It doesn't explain how one can call a tree a thing of beauty while another barely notices the forest. Also, if a person is deaf, dumb, blind and missing all faculties of both touch and  taste, are they able to perceive beauty according to Georg's definition? I still want to say yes, according to the dictates within that person's world.
                  An old philosophical question asks, “If the only thing constant is change, then why does history repeat itself?” The answer is people, who make the same mistakes throughout history. As such, people have always claimed that something has been beautiful. So, then, what is the equation, regarding people throughout time, that outlines what is beautiful to each individual?
                  To me, the answer is the frequency of choice.
                  Inside each one of us runs an electrical system that powers our body. It is called the nervous system. It also powers us as individuals, helping to make us who we are, personality, judgment calls, and choices. From an Eastern philosophy standpoint this is called Chi – the power that connects us all to nature and each other.
                  As we grow and choose to pursue one avenue or another our choices act to program our minds and bodies to adapt and accept our choices. These programs, in turn, adjusts the frequency of our energy in our bodies to help us to to what our choices decide on. As long as we remain in a realm that coexists with our current choices, and body's frequency, we will have harmony.
                  However, once a condition that is not conductive to our personal frequency comes in contact with us it creates 'feedback,' just as if a DJ were to accidentally move his microphone too close to his speaker. This creates a stream of energy that causes noise, disharmony, aggravation, and even pain.
                  The old phrase says, “Birds of a feather flock together.” Does that mean the people of the world are just not accepting? No, it means that people, being different, want to be with those like themselves. In other words, people want to be around other people and things that they are attuned to, and can coincide with, their own personal energies. These things may boil down to common interests, competitive skills, natural talents, the ability to communicate, similar goals, and even thought processes. It could be even be something as physiologically cellular as smells or agreeable tastes in clothes. Regardless, the birds aflocking all agree on something.
                  Such as it is with art and beauty. We birds want the things in, and around, our nests (or even circle of influence) that agree with us; that is, agree and are compatible with our personal, natural energy. If it does not agree with our energy it is disruptive, annoying, unhealthy, and even threatening.
                  So, our energies are based on choice. Are we consigned to always follow what our energies tell us? No, we choose to be different and our energies follow suit step by step.
                  The old phrase asks, “How do you boil a frog? One degree at a time.” For if you turn the heat up all at once the frog quickly jumps out. But if the temperature is raised in steps, the frog, in theory, remains complacent and doesn't notice.
                  As an example, let's imagine that one who originally likes fluffy kittens in their art comes across a kitten not so fluffy; it has short hair that is still well groomed. It may not be a far cry from their original frequency, such as a wild, mangy dog would be, so they have a choice as to whether or not they accept this new frequency. Let's say they accept it, and like a computer, the brain adapts their frequency to accept this new energy pattern. It does so on a cellular level and may not be noticeable, at first.
                  In time our imaginary test subject chooses to accept cats, not just kittens. Then they accept large, predatory cats, tame at first, then wild, man eating ones. Then, accepting the violence, they start to investigate the natural nemesis of cats, the dog. This, in time, turns to wolves, and finally, wild, mangy dogs. Someone then asks them, “What happened to the fluffy kittens?” Our test subject then looks back on who they used to be and how they used to feel and they realize the comparable change.
                  Step by step, frequency by frequency, choice by choice. A peaceful man isn't going to go on a shooting rampage all in one day – it takes a constant barrage of steady degrees and small steps to avert his frequency from one healthy choice to a different and unhealthy one.
                  Such as it is with us: place an object, item, or person with one frequency in the place of another who is attuned the opposite, and the energies repel each other just like magnets if there is not a frequency adjustment made. The opposite is also true: place two things together that share the same frequency and they are attracted, unless a conscious choice is made. For that is all magnets are: metals charged with frequencies of energy that repel and attract. Unlike magnets, we can choose to change.
                  So, art that is ugly today may be beautiful tomorrow. Beauty that may be accepted only by one may be rejected by the world. A choice, or people, that is repulsive once may be accepted later.
                  So, what is beautiful to each one of us? Those things that our own personal energies are attracted to or accepted, based on our choices.

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